Sunday, December 27, 2015

Why You Can’t Lose Weight

Hint:  It’s Not From A Lack Of Exercise

Every year millions of people start New Year’s Resolutions only to give up when they feel they cannot accomplish their goals.  They find the latest trends in diets, that promise to help them lose weight quickly, did so only temporarily and caused them to be back at their original weight within months.  Still, I can’t blame people for trying so let’s dig a bit deeper into the real reason people can’t lose weight.

Most of my life people have asked me “how I stay so slim?”  My response is usually to stay humble and say it’s really nothing, as to not make them feel inferior to me.   Well, I do work hard in the gym at keeping the weight off.  I also watch my diet regularly.  But let’s be honest here.  Having worked in the fitness industry and being around so many fitness professionals, I must say that diet and exercise alone will not help you keep the weight off.  If it could, people would never gain a lot of weight.  In fact, most of us would just go to the gym and eat a low carb diet and call it a day!

The real reason it’s so hard for most people to keep the weight off is because they lack the will power or the self-discipline to do so and that’s the necessary part.  For those of us who eat, live and breathe fitness, it’s a lifestyle.  It’s more than just a diet.  We do this every day because every day is a battle to avoid eating lots of sugar and sweets.  I pass by cookies and cupcakes all the time in my local grocery store.  But notice I said “pass by” them, not stop for a conversation!

In order to gain the will power and the self-discipline, you need to create daily healthy habits that will help you to make the right decisions when it comes to eating right and working out.  When you are able to create healthy habits for yourself, it makes the temptation of eating junk food less tempting because you have created a little routine of only eating what is right for your body.  Therefore, no decision is necessary.

Listen, I can’t tell you that you will always make the right decision even when you have self-discipline.  Some days are better than others.  But if every day you make a habit of working out, tracking your meals if necessary, and only buying healthy fruits and vegetables, your journey will be a lot smoother. 

I want you to win this battle of trying to lose weight and keeping it off.  But you must be aware that it takes more than just diet and exercise, it takes a bit of mental stamina to achieve your goals.  When you are able to gain a greater awareness of how much your mental psyche plays a role in this process and take the right steps towards weight loss management, you will be that much closer to your goal.

Food for thought!

Thanks for reading!

Please contact me at for more information on my life/health/wellness related coaching services.

Friday, November 27, 2015

How To Attract Success

“Everything that you want in your life is right at your fingertips”
Recently, I had an opportunity to serve with the Bea Gaddy organization which provides food to thousands of needy and homeless families in the Baltimore metro area.  Their biggest event comes on Thanksgiving where hundreds of volunteers sign up to help them with their cause.  Interestingly enough, I was looking for an event where I could in some way provide services to those less fortunate.  Now I had heard about an event at my church where they were going to be feeding needy families but I thought I missed the opportunity to sign up for it.  Needless to say, I was devastated because I really wanted to help.  However, an interesting thing happened, the Sunday after I thought the event was over I discovered the event hadn’t even began.  They were recruiting volunteers for the Bea Gaddy organization for Thanksgiving which had not even occurred as of yet.  I sincerely believe this was the Law of Attraction working in my life and that I was drawing that energy to me.  I believe the Law of Attraction works with everything we do including for both our personal and professional endeavors.

You see, whatever you focus on is what you draw into your life.  Have you ever sat and thought about someone and they suddenly called you on the phone?  It’s really no coincidence.  You were focused on them and they received your signal and decided to give you a call.  Your thoughts are like magnets.  With each thought, you are creating some type of energy.  Other people then pick up on that energy.

That’s why it’s so important to be careful what you focus on because if it’s something you really don’t want to happen, then you do the opposite of your intentions.  For example, people focus on their “lack” of money rather than their “abundance” of it and wonder why they’re always broke.  They focus on their “lack” of having a relationship rather than focusing on receiving an “abundance” of them.  It’s really about where you put your thoughts and choose to focus that can make or break your dreams or desires.

Well, you may say how do I make changes to attract the life I want?  First, just become aware of every time you have a thought that isn’t in line with your attentions.  As long as you are aware of it, you can choose to think another thought that is in line with your attentions.  Next, practice as many times as possible being able to substitute a negative thought with one which is positive.  For example, when you have a bad day, think about what can make it better or good things that have happened that day.  Choose to focus on the lessons you learned that day and the experiences you gained.  It really makes a difference and changes your entire outlook which in turn draws better energy to you.

The Law of Attraction works in so many ways and is instrumental in bringing you the success you want in your life.  No matter whether it’s relationships, money, career, business – it’s all working based on the energy you put out there.  If you put good energy out there, you’ll attract better energy back to you thereby drawing in the success you desire.  You are constantly creating the life you want and must choose to focus your energy in that direction.

Food for thought!

Thanks for reading!

Please contact me at for more information on my life/health/wellness related coaching services.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Living On Purpose

“Are we living according to the purpose in which we were designed?”

Every now and then I stop and ask myself if what I’m doing is really helping to fulfill my purpose.  So many times I see people go to work for a company they hate, do a job they hate and then go home and complain to their family and friends about the choices they’ve created for themselves.  Eventually, they become stressed out and this starts to show physically in their bodies as well.  I can’t help but to think this is not why we were put here on earth.  You have a divine purpose for being here and being miserable is not one of them!

Well, let’s start with what is your divine purpose.  Some also call this your “calling”.  The thing in which you were called to do.  It is the thing that gets you up in the morning.  It is the thing you get passionate about whenever someone asks you about it.  You light up.  You smile whenever you are doing it.  It’s different for everyone but the level of passion is the same.  I can’t tell you what your purpose is but can tell you that there is a glow that radiates about you whenever you are living it.

Let’s dive a bit deeper!  Usually, I find that a person’s real purpose in life is something they’re already doing.  For example, I believe my divine purpose is to coach or teach people.  I was already doing this with my co-workers while working my previous 9 to 5 corporate job.  Whenever a co-worker had a problem, I was usually one of the first people they would turn to for help and resolution.  I would talk to them as long as possible.  And in turn, I was always the one to seek out a guru or elder to help me with difficult situations in my life.  I found I enjoyed this experience, imparting wisdom from one person to another.  It intrigued me and made me want to pay it forward and help others too.

If you’re still having difficulty finding your purpose.  Think about what you would do even if you did not get paid to do it.  This is usually the first clue to guide you towards your calling.  For example, if you like to talk a lot, you may be great at teaching, coaching, consulting and anything that involves distributing a message to people.  If you’re good with your hands, you may be great at massage therapy or healing arts.  If you love mechanics, you may like dealing with cars or engines.  As you can see, I can go on and on but I think you get the picture.

Take some time to reflect on what you love doing in your spare time.  Continue to ask yourself “what gets you up in the morning or keeps you up at night?”  That may give you a clue.  Sometimes it takes a person years and years to find their purpose but when you do your whole life changes in an instant.

Good luck in your search!

Thanks for reading!

Please contact me at for more information on my life/health/wellness related coaching services.